Premature Ejaculation Signs, Evaluation and Solutions

Table of Contents

Understanding Premature Ejaculation: Introduction

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a prevalent yet often misunderstood sexual dysfunction that affects countless men across the globe. The symptoms of PE include ejaculating too early, experiencing a lack of control over when you ejaculate and/or feeling like you need to rush through sex.

These issues can be incredibly frustrating and embarrassing for many men who experience them, but there are plenty of ways to manage or treat premature ejaculation so that it doesn’t interfere with your sexual health.

As a condition marked by the inability to control or delay ejaculation, PE can result in shorter durations of sexual intimacy and may generate feelings of frustration, embarrassment, and disappointment for both partners.

Recognizing the profound impact this condition can have on an individual’s self-worth, relationship dynamics, and overall sexual satisfaction, it is essential to approach the topic of premature ejaculation with empathy and professionalism.

In this article, we will delve into the underlying causes, symptoms, and treatment options for PE, fostering a comprehensive and compassionate understanding of this complex sexual health concern.

Premature ejaculation can be classified into two categories, primary (lifelong) and secondary (acquired).

  • Primary PE: It refers to cases where the individual has experienced the condition since their first sexual encounter, while
  • Secondary PE: It occurs in those who have previously had normal ejaculatory control but later develop the issue.

Both forms of PE can impact men of all ages, making it a prevalent concern in the realm of sexual health.

Various factors can contribute to the development of premature ejaculation.

These may include:

  • Psychological factors such as anxiety, stress, guilt, or relationship problems.
  • Biological factors, such as hormonal imbalances, abnormal neurotransmitter levels, and genetic predispositions, can also play a role in the onset of PE.
  • Additionally, certain lifestyle habits and medical conditions can exacerbate the problem, making it essential to address these contributing factors when seeking treatment.

In summary, premature ejaculation is a widespread sexual dysfunction that can significantly impact a person’s well-being and intimate relationships.

By understanding its underlying causes and seeking appropriate treatment, individuals can work towards regaining control over their sexual performance and enhancing their overall quality of life.

The Mechanism of Premature Ejaculation: A Closer Look

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a complex sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to control or delay ejaculation, resulting in a shorter duration of sexual intercourse than desired. To better understand the mechanism of premature ejaculation, it is essential to explore the physiological processes involved in ejaculation and the factors contributing to its premature occurrence.

The Physiology of Ejaculation

Ejaculation is a complex process that involves the interaction of various neural and muscular systems. It can be divided into two phases: emission and expulsion.


During the emission phase, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, leading to the contraction of the smooth muscles in the prostate, seminal vesicles, and vas deferens. This results in the release of sperm and seminal fluid into the posterior urethra, creating the sensation of ejaculatory inevitability.


The expulsion phase involves the release of semen from the body. This occurs through the rhythmic contractions of the pelvic floor muscles and the bulbospongiosus muscle surrounding the base of the penis. These contractions propel the semen through the urethra and out through the penile opening.

The process of ejaculation is primarily regulated by the central nervous system (CNS), particularly the spinal ejaculatory generator (SEG) located in the lumbosacral spinal cord.

The SEG receives input from various brain regions, including the hypothalamus, preoptic area, and the medial prefrontal cortex, which modulate the ejaculatory reflex.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

The mechanism of premature ejaculation is not fully understood, but several factors are believed to contribute to its occurrence, including:

  1. Neurotransmitter Imbalance and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation and sexual function, plays a crucial role in the ejaculatory process. It is believed, low levels of serotonin or an imbalance in serotonin receptors in the brain may lead to a reduced ejaculatory threshold and, consequently, premature ejaculation.
  2. Psychological Factors and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Anxiety, stress, guilt, and relationship problems can contribute to premature ejaculation by increasing arousal levels and reducing the ability to control the ejaculatory reflex. Performance anxiety, in particular, can create a self-perpetuating cycle of PE, as the fear of ejaculating prematurely can further exacerbate the issue.
  3. Physiological factors and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Hormonal imbalances, abnormal levels of neurotransmitters, inflammation or infection of the prostate or urethra, and erectile dysfunction can all play a role in the development of PE.
  4. Phimosis and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin of the penis is too tight and cannot be fully retracted over the glans (head) of the penis. This can cause discomfort, pain, and hypersensitivity during sexual intercourse, leading to premature ejaculation. In some cases, the tight foreskin can even cause paraphimosis, a condition where the foreskin becomes trapped behind the glans, causing swelling and pain.
  5. Balanitis, Penile Infections, and STIs and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Balanitis, other penile infections, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause inflammation, discomfort, and increased sensitivity in the genital area. This heightened sensitivity may lead to overstimulation during sexual activity, making it challenging for an individual to control their arousal and ultimately resulting in premature ejaculation.
  6. Sore Pelvic Floor Muscles and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Sore or overly tense pelvic floor muscles can contribute to premature ejaculation by causing discomfort, involuntary muscle contractions, and heightened sensitivity during sexual activity. These factors can make it difficult for an individual to control their arousal and ejaculation, leading to an increased likelihood of experiencing PE.
  7. Poor Nerve Control and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Inadequate nerve control can contribute to premature ejaculation by impairing an individual’s ability to effectively manage their arousal and ejaculation response. Poor nerve function may result in heightened sensitivity and reduced control over the muscles involved in ejaculation, leading to an increased likelihood of experiencing PE during sexual activity.
  8. Weak Reproductive Tissues and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Weakened reproductive tissues, such as the muscles and connective tissues involved in ejaculation, can contribute to premature ejaculation by reducing an individual’s ability to control their ejaculation response effectively. This weakness may lead to involuntary contractions and reduced control over the ejaculation process, increasing the likelihood of experiencing PE during sexual activity.
  9. Prostate Issues and Prostatitis and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Prostate-related problems, such as prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), can contribute to premature ejaculation by causing discomfort, increased sensitivity, and potentially affecting the nerves and muscles involved in ejaculation. These factors can make it challenging for an individual to control their arousal and ejaculation response, increasing the likelihood of experiencing PE during sexual activity.
  10. Fast Masturbation/Stroking Habits and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Developing a habit of fast masturbation or stroking can condition the body to reach climax quickly, which can contribute to premature ejaculation during sexual activity. This habitual behavior can create a pattern of rapid arousal and ejaculation, making it difficult for an individual to control their response and prolong the duration of sexual encounters.
  11. Tight Grip Masturbation aka Death Grip Syndrome and Premature Ejaculation (PE): The habit of tight grip masturbation can contribute to premature ejaculation by conditioning the body to require intense stimulation for arousal and climax. This practice may lead to desensitization and difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection during sexual activity, or conversely, heightened sensitivity and a faster ejaculation response, making it challenging for an individual to control their arousal and prolong sexual encounters.
  12. Prone Masturbation or Bed Humping and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Engaging in prone masturbation or bed humping can contribute to premature ejaculation by conditioning the body to respond to atypical stimulation patterns and pressure. This habit can create unrealistic expectations for arousal and ejaculation during sexual activity, making it difficult for an individual to control their response and adapt to the sensations experienced during partnered encounters, ultimately increasing the likelihood of experiencing PE.
  13. Sensitivity of the Penis and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Some men may have an increased sensitivity of the penile glans or an overactive penile sensory reflex, which can lead to a lower threshold for ejaculation and result in premature ejaculation.
  14. Hormonal Imbalances and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Abnormal levels of certain hormones, such as testosterone, prolactin, and thyroid hormones, may contribute to the development of premature ejaculation.
  15. Genetic Factors and Premature Ejaculation (PE): There is evidence to suggest that genetic predisposition may play a role in the development of premature ejaculation, with some men being more susceptible to the condition due to their genetic makeup.
  16. Psychological Stress and Premature Ejaculation (PE): High levels of stress, anxiety, or depression can contribute to PE by affecting an individual’s ability to control their arousal and ejaculation response, leading to heightened sensitivity and a faster climax.
  17. Lack of Sexual Experience and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Inexperienced individuals may struggle with controlling their arousal and ejaculation due to unfamiliarity with their body’s response to sexual stimulation, increasing the likelihood of experiencing PE.
  18. Performance Anxiety and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Worrying about sexual performance or satisfying a partner can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, causing an individual to become overly focused on their ejaculation response and inadvertently increasing the likelihood of PE.
  19. Substance Use and Premature Ejaculation (PE): The use of alcohol, drugs, or certain medications can negatively impact an individual’s ability to control their arousal and ejaculation response, contributing to PE.
  20. Excessive Sexual Arousal and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Situations involving heightened arousal, such as engaging in a new sexual relationship or experiencing a long period of abstinence, can make it challenging for an individual to control their ejaculation response, increasing the likelihood of PE.
  21. Medical Conditions and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis, can affect the nervous system and impair an individual’s ability to control their ejaculation response, contributing to PE.
  22. Hormonal Imbalances and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Imbalances in hormones, such as testosterone or serotonin, can impact an individual’s ability to control their arousal and ejaculation response, contributing to PE.
  23. Sleep Deprivation and Premature Ejaculation (PE): A lack of sufficient sleep can negatively affect an individual’s overall well-being and ability to manage their arousal and ejaculation response, increasing the likelihood of experiencing PE.
  24. Poor Diet and Premature Ejaculation (PE): An unhealthy diet can lead to a decline in overall health, which may indirectly affect an individual’s ability to control their ejaculation response, contributing to PE.
  25. Sedentary Lifestyle and Premature Ejaculation (PE): A lack of regular physical activity can weaken pelvic floor muscles and reduce an individual’s ability to control their ejaculation response effectively, increasing the likelihood of PE.
  26. Overstimulation from Adult Content and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Frequent exposure to adult content can create unrealistic expectations for sexual performance and contribute to overstimulation, making it difficult for an individual to control their arousal and ejaculation response during partnered encounters.
  27. Relationship Issues and Premature Ejaculation (PE): Emotional stress and unresolved conflicts within a relationship can impact an individual’s ability to relax and control their arousal and ejaculation response, increasing the likelihood of experiencing PE.
  28. Age and Premature Ejaculation (PE): As individuals age, they may experience a decline in overall sexual function, including changes in arousal and ejaculation response, which can contribute to PE in some cases.
  29. Altered Sensitivity Post-Surgery: Frenuloplasty and frenectomy involve the alteration or removal of the frenulum whereas Circumcision involves the removal of the foreskin, the surgeries can lead to changes in penile sensitivity. This increased sensitivity may contribute to premature ejaculation (PE) in some individuals.
  30. Surgical Complications: Complications arising from frenuloplasty or frenectomy, such as infections or scarring, can affect an individual’s ability to control their ejaculation response, potentially contributing to PE.

In conclusion, the mechanism of premature ejaculation involves a complex interplay between neurological, physiological, and psychological factors.

Understanding these factors through our Level 2 Consultation can help Sexologist doctors at Sidri International to develop targeted treatment strategies to address the probable underlying causes of PE and improve sexual function for affected individuals.

It is crucial to identify and address the specific factors contributing to an individual’s experience with premature ejaculation to develop an effective treatment plan tailored to their unique needs.

Detailed Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation

According to India’s eminent Sexologist, Dr. Kanu Rajput, Premature ejaculation (PE) can manifest in various ways, and individuals may experience different symptoms. Here is a more detailed list of symptoms and situational examples to help patients better understand and relate to their condition:

Rapid ejaculation

Ejaculation occurs within one minute of penetration or even before penetration. For example, a man may ejaculate during foreplay or immediately upon entering his partner.

Inability to delay ejaculation

The individual has little or no control over ejaculation, making it difficult to prolong sexual activity. For instance, a man may try to slow down or pause during intercourse, but he is unable to prevent ejaculation.

Difficulty in delaying ejaculation

Men with PE may find it challenging to control or delay ejaculation during sexual activity, even when they are actively trying to do so. This can lead to feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction for both partners.

Rapid ejaculation during masturbation

Men who experience premature ejaculation may also notice that they reach climax quickly when masturbating. This can serve as an additional indicator of PE and may help individuals recognize the need to seek treatment.

Excessive release of pre-ejaculatory fluid (precum)

Some men with PE may experience an increased production of pre-ejaculatory fluid, also known as precum. This fluid, which is released during sexual arousal, can be more abundant in those experiencing PE, and may be a sign that they need to address this issue.

Inconsistent control

The ability to control ejaculation may vary from one sexual encounter to another, leading to unpredictable outcomes. A man may be able to maintain control during one sexual encounter but may ejaculate prematurely in the next.

Situational PE

Premature ejaculation may occur only in specific situations or with particular partners. For example, a man may experience PE with a new partner due to anxiety or stress, while not facing any issues with a long-term partner.

Anticipatory anxiety

Fear of premature ejaculation may lead to increased anxiety before or during sexual activity, further exacerbating the issue. A man may become so preoccupied with the possibility of ejaculating early that it hinders his ability to enjoy and engage in sexual activity.

Reduced sexual satisfaction

Both partners may experience reduced sexual satisfaction due to the shortened duration of intercourse and lack of control over ejaculation.

Emotional distress

Feelings of embarrassment, guilt, frustration, and disappointment may arise due to the inability to control ejaculation. These emotions can impact an individual’s self-esteem and overall well-being.

Relationship strain

Premature ejaculation can put a strain on relationships, leading to communication issues, resentment, and avoidance of sexual intimacy.

Avoidance of sexual activity

Some men may avoid sexual encounters altogether to prevent the embarrassment and disappointment associated with premature ejaculation.

Masturbation habits

Men who have developed a habit of rapid ejaculation during masturbation may experience difficulty in delaying ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

Erectile dysfunction

Some men may experience premature ejaculation in conjunction with erectile dysfunction, as anxiety about maintaining an erection may lead to rapid ejaculation.

Varying severity

The severity of premature ejaculation can differ among individuals. Some men may experience it occasionally, while others may struggle with it during every sexual encounter.

Secondary PE

Men who previously had normal ejaculatory control but later develop premature ejaculation may have secondary PE. This type of PE can be triggered by factors such as stress, relationship issues, or medical conditions.

Impact on partner

The partner of a man with PE may experience feelings of inadequacy, guilt, or frustration, believing they are responsible for the problem or unable to satisfy their partner sexually.

Performance pressure

The pressure to perform well during sexual encounters may contribute to anxiety and exacerbate premature ejaculation. This cycle of anxiety and PE can be challenging to break without intervention.

Refractory period

Men with PE may require a longer refractory period (the time between ejaculations) to regain control over their erections and subsequently ejaculation, potentially affecting the frequency and spontaneity of sexual encounters.

Decreased confidence

Men with PE may experience a decrease in self-confidence, both sexually and in other aspects of life, due to the challenges they face in their sexual performance.

Compensatory behaviors’

Some men may develop compensatory behaviors’, such as focusing on their partner’s pleasure through oral or manual stimulation, in an attempt to make up for their inability to control ejaculation.

Physical sensations

Men with PE may report heightened sensitivity or arousal, making it difficult for them to delay ejaculation during sexual encounters.

Impact on mental health

The emotional distress and relationship strain caused by PE can negatively affect an individual’s overall mental health, potentially leading to issues such as anxiety, depression, or stress.

Influence of substance use

The use of alcohol, recreational drugs, or certain medications can contribute to or exacerbate premature ejaculation in some men.

Dr. Kanu Rajput and Dr. Manu Rajput at Sidri International emphasize the importance of understanding these symptoms related to premature ejaculation. By recognizing these signs, individuals can seek appropriate help from healthcare professionals and receive tailored treatment plans for their condition.

The Emotional Impact of Premature Ejaculation on Relationships

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual health issue that affects countless men worldwide. While the physical aspect of this condition is often the primary focus, it is crucial to recognize the emotional and relational impact that PE can have on both partners in a relationship. This segment delves into the emotional consequences of premature ejaculation, exploring the deep connections and ramifications that this condition can have on a couple’s life.

The Struggle with Self-Esteem and Confidence

For men experiencing PE, the inability to control ejaculation can lead to feelings of shame, embarrassment, and inadequacy. These emotions can be overwhelming, causing a significant blow to their self-esteem and confidence. As a result, men with PE may withdraw emotionally and physically from their partners, fearing judgment, rejection, or ridicule.

This emotional withdrawal can create a rift in the relationship, leaving both partners feeling disconnected and isolated. The partner of someone with PE may interpret this withdrawal as a lack of interest or attraction, further exacerbating the emotional distance between them.

The Impact on Intimacy and Satisfaction

Premature ejaculation can directly affect a couple’s level of intimacy and sexual satisfaction. For the partner of a man with PE, the experience of consistently brief sexual encounters can lead to feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction, and even resentment.

It is not uncommon for the partner to question their attractiveness or desirability, wondering if they are somehow contributing to the issue. This self-doubt can lead to a decline in self-esteem and create emotional tension in the relationship.

On the other hand, men with PE may become overly focused on their performance, causing them to neglect the emotional and intimate aspects of their sexual encounters. This lack of emotional connection can leave both partners feeling unfulfilled and disconnected.

The Cycle of Anxiety and Avoidance

The fear of premature ejaculation can create a cycle of anxiety and avoidance in a relationship. Men with PE may become increasingly anxious about their performance, leading to further instances of premature ejaculation. This anxiety can also result in the avoidance of sexual encounters altogether, as the fear of failure becomes overwhelming.

For the partner of someone with PE, this avoidance can be confusing and hurtful. They may feel rejected and undesired, leading to feelings of insecurity and emotional distress. This cycle of anxiety and avoidance can ultimately create a significant barrier in the relationship, preventing both partners from experiencing the deep emotional connection and satisfaction they desire.

The Importance of Open Communication and Support

In the face of the emotional turmoil caused by premature ejaculation, open communication and support are essential for maintaining a healthy and loving relationship. By discussing the issue openly and honestly, couples can begin to understand each other’s feelings and experiences, fostering empathy and compassion.

It is important for both partners to recognize that PE is a common and treatable condition, not a reflection of their worth or attractiveness. By working together to address the issue and seeking professional help when necessary, couples can overcome the emotional impact of premature ejaculation and strengthen their bond.


The emotional consequences of premature ejaculation can be profound, affecting both partners’ self-esteem, intimacy, and overall relationship satisfaction. By acknowledging and addressing these emotional aspects, couples can begin to heal and reconnect, ultimately creating a deeper and more fulfilling bond. If you or your partner are struggling with the emotional impact of PE, remember that you are not alone, and that help is available. Reach out to a professional, seek support, and face this challenge together, as a united and loving team.

The Emotional and Behavioral Changes in Women Due to Lack of Orgasms in a Relationship

A healthy and satisfying sex life plays a crucial role in maintaining a strong and intimate bond between partners. However, when a woman consistently experiences a lack of orgasms in her relationship, it can lead to emotional and behavioral changes that affect both her well-being and the connection with her partner. In this segment, we will explore the various ways in which a woman’s behavior may change due to the absence of orgasms and the emotional impact it can have on the relationship.

Frustration and Resentment

One of the most common emotional responses to a lack of orgasms is frustration. A woman may feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled, which can lead to feelings of resentment towards her partner. This resentment can manifest in various ways, such as passive-aggressive behavior, irritability, or even outright anger.

These negative emotions can create tension in the relationship, leading to arguments and a breakdown in communication. Over time, this can erode the emotional connection between partners and make it difficult to maintain a loving and supportive bond.

Decreased Self-Esteem and Self-Worth

The inability to achieve orgasms can also have a significant impact on a woman’s self-esteem and self-worth. She may begin to question her own attractiveness or believe that she is somehow inadequate or flawed. This self-doubt can lead to feelings of insecurity and a decline in overall confidence.

As a result, a woman may withdraw emotionally and physically from her partner, fearing rejection or judgment. This emotional withdrawal can create a barrier in the relationship, making it challenging for both partners to connect on a deeper level.

Avoidance of Intimacy and Sexual Encounters

When a woman consistently experiences a lack of orgasms, she may begin to associate sex with disappointment and dissatisfaction. This can lead to the avoidance of intimacy and sexual encounters altogether, as the fear of further disappointment becomes overwhelming.

This avoidance can be confusing and hurtful for her partner, who may interpret it as a lack of interest or attraction. The resulting emotional distance can create a significant barrier in the relationship, preventing both partners from experiencing the deep emotional connection they desire.

Seeking External Validation and Attention

In some cases, a woman who feels unfulfilled in her relationship may seek external validation and attention to compensate for her lack of orgasms. This behavior can manifest in various ways, such as flirting with others, engaging in emotional affairs, or even seeking physical intimacy outside of the relationship.

While these actions may provide temporary relief from feelings of inadequacy and frustration, they can ultimately damage the trust and emotional bond between partners, leading to further relationship issues.

The Importance of Open Communication and Understanding

To address the emotional and behavioral changes caused by a lack of orgasms in a relationship, open communication and understanding are essential. By discussing the issue openly and honestly, partners can gain insight into each other’s feelings and experiences, fostering empathy and compassion.

It is crucial for both partners to recognize that sexual satisfaction is a shared responsibility and work together to explore ways to enhance their intimate connection. This may involve experimenting with new techniques, seeking professional guidance, or addressing any underlying emotional or physical issues that may be contributing to the lack of orgasms.


The absence of orgasms in a relationship can lead to significant emotional and behavioral changes in women, affecting their self-esteem, intimacy, and overall relationship satisfaction. By acknowledging and addressing these issues, couples can begin to heal and reconnect, ultimately creating a deeper and more fulfilling bond. If you or your partner are struggling with the emotional impact of a lack of orgasms, remember that you are not alone, and that help is available. Reach out to a professional, seek support, and face this challenge together, as a united and loving team.

Conventional Treatment Options for Premature Ejaculation: Side-Effects, Risks, and Complications

There are several conventional treatment options available worldwide for managing premature ejaculation (PE). These treatments can be broadly categorized into behavioral techniques, topical anesthetics, and pharmacological therapies. Each treatment option comes with its own set of potential side effects, risks, and complications.

1. Behavioral Techniques

Behavioral techniques focus on training the mind and body to delay ejaculation and improve control over the ejaculatory reflex. Some common methods include:

  • The stop-start technique: This involves stopping sexual stimulation just before the point of ejaculation and then restarting after a brief pause. Repeating this process several times can help improve control over ejaculation.
  • The squeeze technique: When nearing the point of ejaculation, the man or his partner firmly squeezes the area between the shaft and glans of the penis for several seconds, delaying ejaculation. This technique can be repeated as needed.
  • Side-effects, risks, and complications: Behavioral techniques are generally considered safe and non-invasive. However, they may require patience, practice, and cooperation from both partners, which can be challenging for some couples.

2. Topical Anesthetics or Delay Condoms

Topical anesthetics, such as lidocaine or prilocaine creams and sprays, can be applied to the penis to reduce sensitivity and delay ejaculation. They are typically applied 10-20 minutes before sexual activity and then wiped off before intercourse.

Similarly, delay condoms are used by some men, however, some men report losing of erection as the benzocaine in the delay condom reduces the sensitivity to such an extent that the person may not feel anything at all.

Side-effects, risks, and complications: Some men may experience mild to moderate local numbness, itching, or irritation. In rare cases, topical anesthetics can cause an allergic reaction. Additionally, these products can reduce sensitivity for both partners if not adequately wiped off before intercourse, potentially diminishing sexual pleasure.

3. Pharmacological Therapies

Pharmacological treatments for PE include medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors.

SSRIs: Commonly prescribed SSRIs for PE include fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, and dapoxetine. These medications increase serotonin levels in the brain, which can help delay ejaculation.

TCAs: Clomipramine is a TCA that has been found to be effective in treating PE.

PDE5 inhibitors: Medications like sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil, primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction, may also help some men with PE by improving control over ejaculation.

Side-effects, risks, and complications: Medications used to treat PE can have various side effects, including nausea, dizziness, headaches, drowsiness, dry mouth, and reduced libido. In some cases, these medications can also interact with other drugs or cause more severe complications, such as suicidal thoughts or serotonin syndrome. It is crucial to discuss potential side-effects and risks with a healthcare professional before starting any pharmacological treatment for PE.

In conclusion, while conventional treatments for premature ejaculation can be effective for many individuals, it is essential to be aware of the potential side-effects, risks, and complications associated with each option. Consulting with a healthcare professional can help determine the most appropriate and safest treatment plan for each individual case.

Reverse Premature Ejaculation (PE) with Sidri International’s Expert Sexologist Doctors

Sidri International’s highly skilled team of medical professionals specializes in addressing premature ejaculation (PE) through a patient-centered, evidence-based approach. Our experts understand the complex interplay of psychological, physiological, and lifestyle factors that contribute to PE, and we are dedicated to providing personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs.

By employing cutting-edge techniques and treatments, our sexologists doctors empowers patients to regain control over their ejaculation response and improve their overall sexual health.

With a strong emphasis on patient education and support, Sidri International ensures that patients are equipped with the necessary tools and strategies to effectively overcome PE and enjoy a more satisfying and fulfilling sex life. Trust in the expertise of Sidri International’s medical team to guide you on your journey towards conquering premature ejaculation.

Ayurvedic Principles and Modern Aspects of Premature Ejaculation

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a unique perspective on understanding and managing sexual health issues, including premature ejaculation (PE).

By examining the core principles of Ayurveda and their correlation with modern aspects of PE, we can gain a deeper understanding of this condition and explore effective treatment options.

Core Principles of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is based on the concept of balance and harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. The system revolves around the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), which are dynamic energies governing physiological functions. An imbalance in these doshas can lead to various health issues, including PE.

Shukra Dhatu

In Ayurveda, the term “dhatu” refers to the body’s seven fundamental tissues. Shukra dhatu, one of these tissues, is responsible for reproductive health and is closely associated with sperm and semen production. Imbalances in shukra dhatu can lead to sexual dysfunctions, including PE.

Shukravaha Srotas

“Srotas” are channels that transport nutrients and waste throughout the body. Shukravaha srotas are the channels responsible for carrying shukra dhatu. Any obstruction or dysfunction in these channels can result in sexual health issues, such as PE.

Shukradhara Kala

Shukradhara kala refers to the membrane or layer that holds and protects the shukra dhatu. A healthy shukradhara kala is essential for maintaining the integrity and function of shukra dhatu. Dysfunction or damage to this membrane can contribute to premature ejaculation.

Ayurvedic Physiology of Premature Ejaculation

In Ayurveda, the understanding of premature ejaculation (PE) is based on the concepts of doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), dhatus (body tissues), and srotas (channels). The physiology of PE in Ayurveda is primarily attributed to the imbalance of Vata dosha and involves the roles of shukra dhatu and shukravaha srotas.

Vata Dosha and Premature Ejaculation

Vata dosha governs movement, sensitivity, and nerve impulses in the body. An imbalance or aggravation of Vata can lead to heightened sensitivity in the genital area, causing rapid ejaculation. Additionally, Vata imbalance can contribute to anxiety and stress, which are known psychological factors associated with PE.

Shukra Dhatu and Premature Ejaculation

Shukra dhatu is one of the seven body tissues in Ayurveda and is responsible for reproductive health, including sperm and semen production. A healthy shukra dhatu is essential for maintaining sexual function and preventing issues like PE. Imbalances in shukra dhatu, often caused by an aggravated Vata dosha, can lead to various sexual dysfunctions, including premature ejaculation.

Shukravaha Srotas and Premature Ejaculation

Shukravaha srotas are the channels responsible for carrying and transporting shukra dhatu throughout the body. Any obstruction or dysfunction in these channels can result in sexual health issues, such as PE. An imbalance in Vata dosha can negatively affect the proper functioning of shukravaha srotas, contributing to premature ejaculation.

Ayurvedic Perspective on the Physiology of Premature Ejaculation

In Ayurveda, the physiology of premature ejaculation is understood as a complex interplay between the doshas, dhatus, and srotas. The primary factor contributing to PE is an imbalance in Vata dosha, which can affect the health of shukra dhatu and the functioning of shukravaha srotas.

To address the underlying causes of PE, Ayurvedic treatments focus on balancing the Vata dosha through herbal remedies, diet, and lifestyle changes. These treatments aim to restore the health of shukra dhatu and improve the functioning of shukravaha srotas, ultimately helping to manage and prevent premature ejaculation.

In summary, the Ayurvedic physiology of premature ejaculation revolves around the concepts of doshas, dhatus, and srotas. By understanding the roles of Vata dosha, shukra dhatu, and shukravaha srotas in the development of PE, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing this common sexual health issue.

Ayurvedic Principles and Modern Aspects of Premature Ejaculation

Modern research on premature ejaculation has explored various factors contributing to the condition, such as psychological, physiological, and hormonal aspects. Ayurveda’s core principles align with these findings, offering a holistic approach to understanding and managing PE.

  1. Psychological factors: Stress, anxiety, and performance pressure are common psychological factors associated with PE. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced mind and recommends practices like meditation, yoga, and pranayama to reduce stress and improve mental well-being.
  2. Physiological factors: Imbalances in the doshas, particularly Vata, can lead to heightened sensitivity and rapid ejaculation. Ayurvedic treatments focus on restoring balance to the doshas through herbal remedies, diet, and lifestyle changes.
  3. Hormonal factors: Imbalances in hormones, such as testosterone, can contribute to PE. Ayurveda’s emphasis on maintaining healthy shukra dhatu aligns with the modern understanding of hormonal factors in PE. Herbal remedies like Ashwagandha and Safed Musli can help balance hormones and improve sexual function.

Research on Ayurvedic Treatment for Premature Ejaculation

Several studies and articles have examined the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatments for PE. Some examples include:

  1. A study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine investigated the efficacy of Ashwagandha root extract in treating PE. The results showed significant improvement in intravaginal ejaculatory latency time, suggesting that Ashwagandha could be a promising treatment option for PE.
  2. A review article published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine explored the potential of herbal medicines, including Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Safed Musli, and Shatavari, in treating sexual dysfunctions like PE. The review concluded that these herbs could be effective alternatives to conventional treatments.
  3. A study published in the Journal of Research in Ayurveda examined the effects of Ashwagandha root extract on intravaginal ejaculatory latency time and sexual behavior in male rats. The results indicated that Ashwagandha might have potential applications in the management of PE.


The core principles of Ayurveda, such as the concepts of shukra dhatu, shukravaha srotas, and shukradhara kala, offer valuable insights into understanding and treating premature ejaculation. By integrating these principles with modern research, Ayurveda provides a holistic approach to managing PE through herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, and stress reduction techniques. Consultation with experienced Ayurvedic practitioners, like Dr. Kanu Rajput and Dr. Manu Rajput at Sidri International, can help individuals develop personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs.

Dr. Kanu Rajput and Dr. Manu Rajput: The Best Doctors for Premature Ejaculation Treatment at Sidri International

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a prevalent sexual health concern that affects countless men, significantly impacting their self-confidence and relationship satisfaction.

Identifying the ideal doctor to address this issue is vital for effective treatment and enduring results. Dr. Kanu Rajput and Dr. Manu Rajput at Sidri International are esteemed Ayurvedic practitioners specializing in treating sexual health issues, including premature ejaculation. This article will elucidate the reasons why they are regarded as the premier doctors for PE treatment.

Exceptional Expertise in Ayurveda and Sexual Health

Both Dr. Kanu Rajput and Dr. Manu Rajput possess extensive knowledge and experience in Ayurveda, with a specialization in sexual health. They have devoted their careers to assisting individuals in overcoming various sexual health issues, including PE, erectile dysfunction, and infertility. Their profound understanding of Ayurvedic principles and their application to sexual health enables them to provide effective and personalized treatment plans for their patients.

Holistic and Individualized Treatment Approach

Dr. Kanu Rajput and Dr. Manu Rajput advocate for a holistic approach to addressing premature ejaculation. They comprehend that each individual’s situation is unique and necessitates tailored treatment plans. By considering the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and psychological factors, they create customised treatment plans that tackle the root causes of PE. Their approach encompasses Ayurvedic remedies, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle modifications, ensuring a comprehensive and lasting solution to premature ejaculation.

Emphasis on Patient Education and Empowerment

Both doctors place a strong emphasis on patient education and empowerment. They believe that understanding the underlying causes of premature ejaculation and the principles of Ayurveda is crucial for successful treatment. By educating their patients about the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle, practicing stress reduction techniques, and adhering to Ayurvedic principles, they empower individuals to take control of their sexual health and well-being.

Compassionate and Supportive Care

Dr. Kanu Rajput and Dr. Manu Rajput understand the sensitive nature of sexual health issues and provide compassionate and supportive care to their patients. They create a safe and comfortable environment for individuals to discuss their concerns openly, ensuring that patients feel heard and understood. Their empathetic approach helps build trust and rapport, which is essential for successful treatment outcomes.

Proven Track Record and Success Stories

The success stories and testimonials of patients treated by Dr. Kanu Rajput and Dr. Manu Rajput at Sidri International are a testament to their expertise and effectiveness in treating premature ejaculation. Numerous patients have experienced significant improvements in their sexual health and relationship satisfaction after receiving treatment from these doctors. Their proven track record and high success rate make them the top choice for individuals seeking help with PE.


Dr. Kanu Rajput and Dr. Manu Rajput at Sidri International are the premier doctors for premature ejaculation treatment due to their exceptional expertise in Ayurveda, holistic treatment approach, emphasis on patient education, compassionate care, and proven track record. By choosing these experienced practitioners, individuals can trust that they are receiving the highest quality care and guidance in addressing their sexual health concerns.

Level 2 Consultation at Sidri International: All-Encompassing and Rigorous Online Analysis for Individualized Sexual Health Treatment Approaches

Sidri International, celebrated for its proficiency in tackling sexual health matters, offers a Level 2 consultation designed to provide patients with a rigorous and all-encompassing online analysis of their condition. This intensive evaluation enables our accomplished Ayurvedic Sexologists, Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, to formulate a personalized treatment plan tailored to each individual’s specific requirements, ensuring optimal outcomes.

Primary Aspects of the Online Level 2 Consultation:

Comprehensive Medical & Sexual History and Diet & Lifestyle Examination:

During the Level 2 consultation at Sidri International, our skilled Ayurvedic Sexologists, Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput, will undertake a complete assessment of the patient’s medical and sexual history, along with their diet and lifestyle habits. This in-depth evaluation is crucial for identifying the fundamental causes of the patient’s sexual health difficulties and crafting a personalized treatment plan tailored to their unique needs.

Key elements of this assessment include:

Medical History:

Obtaining extensive information about the patient’s medical history, such as existing conditions, medications, and previous treatments, helps pinpoint potential factors contributing to their sexual health complications and ensures that the treatment plan is both safe and effective.

Sexual History:

A comprehensive sexual history evaluation delves into nearly every aspect of a person’s sexual experiences and concerns. This process helps our doctors recognize patterns and potential causes of the patient’s sexual health issues.

Diet Assessment:

Reviewing the patient’s dietary habits allows our doctors to determine if there are any nutritional deficiencies or imbalances contributing to their sexual health problems.

Lifestyle Assessment:

Evaluating the patient’s lifestyle habits, such as exercise, stress levels, sleep patterns, and substance use, helps identify potential factors contributing to their sexual health difficulties. Based on this examination, our doctors will recommend lifestyle modifications to enhance the patient’s overall health and support their treatment plan.

By conducting a comprehensive medical and sexual history and diet and lifestyle examination, the doctors at Sidri International can develop a highly effective, personalized treatment plan that addresses the root causes of the patient’s sexual health issues and promotes lasting improvements in sexual health and overall well-being.

Thorough Remote Physical Examination:

A detailed remote physical examination is carried out to assess the patient’s overall health and identify any underlying medical issues that may be contributing to their sexual health problems. This examination may include evaluations of erections and ejaculations through images and videos, which patients can securely share with our doctors.

Laboratory Tests and Investigations:

If needed, our doctors may recommend specific laboratory tests or investigations to obtain a more accurate diagnosis and a better understanding of the patient’s condition. These tests may include blood tests, hormonal evaluations, or imaging studies, among others.

Personalized Treatment Plan Development:

Based on the information gathered during the Level 2 consultation, Dr. Manu Rajput and Dr. Kanu Rajput will devise a personalized treatment plan tailored to the patient’s unique needs. This plan will be discussed during the “Conclusive Consultation”, where they will suggest what will be better for the patient, whether prescription-based medicines or customized medicines.

Once the patient begins the formal treatment, they will receive dietary recommendations, lifestyle modifications, and therapeutic practices, such as yoga and meditation, to promote overall well-being and complement the treatment. Dr. Manu is highly adept in providing dietary suggestions and instructing his patients through online mode about sexual yoga, sexual exercises, and helping them achieve perfection in sexual positions.

Ongoing Support and Follow-up:

Sidri International is committed to providing patients with continuous support and guidance throughout their treatment journey. Our doctors will closely monitor the patient’s progress and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan to ensure the best results.

Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to track the patient’s improvement and address any concerns or questions they may have.

The Level 2 consultation at Sidri International is an essential first step in addressing and overcoming sexual health issues, such as low libido or low sexual desire, erectile dysfunction (ED), and premature ejaculation (PE or PME).

By providing a comprehensive and rigorous online analysis, our experienced Ayurvedic Sexologists can develop a highly effective, personalized treatment plan that promotes lasting improvements in sexual health and overall well-being.

Sidri International’s Customised Medicines: A Revolutionary Solution for Sexual Health Issues

Sexual health challenges, such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido, and male infertility, can have a significant impact on an individual’s well-being and relationship harmony. Sidri International’s customised medicines, grounded in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, offer a highly effective, innovative, and unparalleled solution to these concerns.

We will explore the advantages of Sidri International’s customised medicines and explain how they rejuvenate sexual tissues and organs at their core for long-lasting improvements.

Understanding Sidri International’s Customised Medicine Approach

Sidri International’s customised medicine approach is specifically designed to address the unique needs and requirements of each patient. It considers an individual’s medical history, lifestyle, and psychological factors to develop a tailored treatment plan. In the context of sexual health, customised medicines are especially beneficial, as they target the underlying causes of problems rather than merely treating symptoms.

Ayurvedic Foundations and Sidri International’s Customised Medicines

At the heart of Sidri International’s customised medicine approach are the principles of Ayurveda, an ancient medical system originating in India. According to Ayurvedic teachings, the human body consists of three primary life forces, or doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Imbalances in these doshas can result in various health issues, including sexual health difficulties.

A crucial aspect of Ayurvedic sexual health is the concept of Shukra Dhatu or reproductive tissues. When Shukra Dhatu is imbalanced or depleted, it can contribute to sexual problems and male infertility.

Sidri International’s customised medicines strive to restore balance to these doshas and re-establish normalcy in depleted Shukra Dhatu, thereby addressing sexual health issues and promoting overall well-being.

By embracing Ayurvedic principles and natural ingredients, these medicines work synergistically with the body’s innate healing processes, ensuring a holistic approach to treatment.

Rasayan Chikitsa and Vajikarana: The Cornerstones of Sidri International’s Customised Medicines

Sidri International’s customised medicine approach is founded upon two key aspects of Ayurveda: Rasayan Chikitsa and Vajikarana. These principles concentrate on the comprehensive rejuvenation and revitalisation of sexual tissues and organs, rather than merely managing symptoms temporarily.

Rasayan Chikitsa is an Ayurvedic practice that focuses on rejuvenation and revitalisation of the body. It aims to promote longevity, maintain optimal health, and enhance physical and mental well-being.

By integrating Rasayan Chikitsa into their customised medicine approach, Sidri International ensures a thorough approach to sexual health that addresses the root causes of issues and promotes overall well-being.

Vajikarana, conversely, is an Ayurvedic discipline dedicated to improving sexual function and fertility. It utilises natural ingredients and therapies to enhance sexual stamina, performance, and overall satisfaction.

Sidri International’s customised medicines incorporate Vajikarana principles to ensure that their treatments not only address sexual health issues but also support healthy sexual function and fertility.

Additional Advantages of Sidri International’s Customised Medicine Approach

In addition to their ability to rejuvenate sexual tissues and organs, Sidri International’s customised medicines provide several other benefits for patients with sexual health issues:

  1. Holistic Approach:

Sidri International’s customised medicines tackle the root causes of sexual health issues by considering the individual’s overall health, lifestyle, and psychological well-being, ensuring a comprehensive and lasting solution.

  1. Free from Side Effects:

Unlike conventional medications, customised medicines based on Ayurvedic principles are safe, pure, and free from side effects. Furthermore, they are non-hormonal, non-addictive, and non-habit forming, making them a more appealing option to attain long-term results.

  1. Empowerment and Education:

Customised medicines often include guidance on lifestyle modifications and stress reduction techniques, empowering individuals to take control of their sexual health and well-being.


Sidri International’s customised medicine approach is a unique, innovative, and effective method to address sexual health issues. By incorporating Ayurvedic principles, Rasayan Chikitsa, and Vajikarana, their treatments not only tackle the root causes of sexual health problems but also work to rejuvenate and revitalise sexual tissues and organs at their core.

With a particular emphasis on restoring balance in Shukra Dhatu, Sidri International’s customised medicines offer a potent and promising solution for sexual health concerns, including male infertility.

What are the Transformational Benefits I can expect once I Start Sidri International’s Customised Medicines for my Premature Ejaculation (PE) Issue?

Are you tired of feeling frustrated and disappointed in your sexual experiences due to your severe and chronic PE issue? Sidri International’s Customised Medicines provide a ground-breaking solution for individuals struggling with severe, chronic and complex PE issue, offering tailored treatments that specifically address the root causes of this condition. With our innovative approach, here are the remarkable results that await you:

  1. Gain Better Control over Ejaculation

Imagine the newfound confidence and control you’ll experience as you achieve mastery over your ejaculation. Our Customised Medicines empower you to take charge of your sexual performance and enjoy longer-lasting intimacy.

  1. Achieve and Deliver Maximum Satisfaction with Sexual Intercourse

Prepare to witness the delight and fulfilment on your partner’s face as you both engage in deeply satisfying and prolonged sexual experiences. With Sidri International’s Customised Medicines, you can enhance your ability to fully satisfy your partner’s desires.

  1. Overcome Physical and Mental Distress Caused by Premature Ejaculation

Bid farewell to the distress and frustration that PE has caused you. Our tailored medications target the underlying causes of your condition, offering a holistic approach that provides relief from both physical and mental discomfort.

  1. Improve Interpersonal Relationships by Overcoming Sexual Weakness

Rediscover the intimate connection with your partner as you overcome the challenges posed by PE. By resolving your sexual weakness, you can foster a stronger bond with your loved one, deepening trust and intimacy in your relationship.

  1. Overcome Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioural Difficulties

Say goodbye to the negative impact that PE has had on your overall well-being. Our Customised Medicines address the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural challenges associated with PE, helping you regain emotional stability and a positive outlook on your sexuality.

  1. Reduce Performance Anxiety

Escape the grip of performance anxiety that has been holding you back from fully enjoying your sexual experiences. With our personalized treatment approach, you can conquer your anxieties and perform confidently, free from debilitating self-doubt.

  1. Enhance Sexual Self-Esteem

Experience a profound boost in your sexual self-esteem, knowing that you have the tools to overcome the challenges of PE. Sidri International’s Customised Medicines empower you to embrace your sexuality with confidence, fostering a healthy and positive self-image.

  1. Promote Positive Sexual Feelings

Embrace a renewed sense of pleasure and joy in your sexual encounters. Our Customised Medicines are designed to promote positive sexual feelings, encouraging a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience for both you and your partner.

  1. Attain Core Sexual Competence

Reach your full sexual potential and unlock an extraordinary level of sexual competence. With our personalized treatment approach, you can develop the skills and abilities necessary to cultivate a deeply pleasurable and harmonious sexual relationship.

  1. Attain Long-Term Sustained Results without Relapse

Unlike temporary solutions, our Customised Medicines offer long-lasting results without the fear of relapse. Experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have the tools to maintain your sexual success over the long term.

Embark on a transformative journey with Sidri International’s Customised Medicines and reclaim your sexual prowess. No longer will PE control your experiences — instead, enjoy the intimate and fulfilling moments you deserve. Don’t delay; take the first step toward a satisfying and rewarding sex life today!

Level 1 Consultation: Addressing Initial Onset and Mild Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation with Medication Support

The Level 1 Consultation at Sidri International is designed for patients experiencing the initial onset of premature ejaculation (PE) or those presenting with mild symptoms.

During this preliminary consultation, our medical professionals will briefly assess the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and potential psychological factors that may be contributing to PE. This allows our team to gain a basic understanding of the patient’s situation and provide general guidance on managing mild symptoms.

In addition to the consultation, a combination of medications is prescribed to support patients in addressing their initial PE concerns.

These medications are prescribed considering patient’s specific needs, offering an initial step towards managing premature ejaculation symptoms.

While the Level 1 Consultation offers an introduction to addressing PE, patients with more persistent or severe symptoms are encouraged to directly consider a Level 2 Consultation.

The Level 2 Consultation involves a more comprehensive evaluation, in-depth discussion of treatment options, and personalized support from our experienced medical team.

For further information about the Level 1 Consultation, we invite readers to visit our FAQs page, where you can find detailed answers to common questions and learn more about the consultation process.

By choosing a Level 2 Consultation, patients can benefit from a tailored treatment plan designed to effectively address the root causes of PE and guide them on their journey towards regaining control over their ejaculation response and achieving a more satisfying sex life.

Embark on Your Recovery Journey: Book Your Level 2 Consultation and Unlock Customized Treatment for Premature Ejaculation

Living with premature ejaculation can be a source of distress and frustration, affecting your self-esteem and relationships. However, you have the power to take control of your sexual health by booking a Level 2 consultation for your PE issue. This decision marks the beginning of your recovery journey, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying intimate life.

Our team of dedicated and compassionate practitioners, led by Dr. Kanu Rajput and Dr. Manu Rajput, are committed to helping you overcome premature ejaculation through holistic and personalized Ayurvedic treatment plans. We understand that each individual’s situation is unique, and our approach is tailored to address the specific needs and root causes of your condition.

During your Level 2 consultation, our expert sexologist doctors will thoroughly assess your medical history, lifestyle, and other contributing factors to develop a strategic plan that targets the probable underlying causes of your PE.

In addition to personalized guidance, booking your Level 2 consultation unlocks access to Customised Medicines specifically formulated to address your PE issue.

This comprehensive plan will include Customised Ayurvedic Medicines formulated specifically for you, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle changes, providing a long-lasting and effective solution to your concerns.

These targeted treatments, combined with our expert advice, empower you to regain control over your sexual health and experience a renewed sense of confidence and well-being.

Don’t let premature ejaculation define your life any longer. Book your Level 2 consultation today and take the first step towards recovery, transformation, and a more satisfying intimate life. Your journey to healing and lasting results begins with this crucial decision.

Act Now – Reclaim Your Confidence and Happiness!

Are you struggling with sexual health concerns? You’re not alone, and Sidri International Skin Hair and Sexology Clinic is here to help. Our discreet online consultations offer expert guidance and support, empowering you to overcome your fears and embrace a healthier, happier future.

Don’t wait any longer – start your journey towards a better you today!

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